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Concrete Cleaning Service FAQS

At A Clear View Window Cleaning, we provide professional residential and commercial concrete cleaning services. Our experts can remove decades of built-up dirt, grime, grease, stains, graffiti, and more from your concrete surfaces. Concrete cleaning can restore the beauty of concrete surfaces, reduce the risk of damage, and prepare surfaces for restoration or sealing.

We want our customers to have all the facts before they schedule concrete cleaner services in Baltimore, MD, Washington D.C., the Washington Metro area, or Central Pennsylvania. We’re happy to answer any questions so you can make the right choice for your home or business. Read through the answers to our FAQs about cleaning concrete, and then call us if you have a question that isn’t answered here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Regularly cleaning your concrete surfaces removes dirt, grime, and debris that could damage your concrete. Allowing debris to remain on your concrete will eventually cause problems like staining, cracking, chipping, and degradation. You can extend the lifespan of your concrete by keeping it clean. Clean concrete patios and other surfaces also look better, maintain tenant and guest satisfaction, and attract customers and visitors.

Many things can stain concrete surfaces, including:

  • Grass and lawn clippings
  • Organic matter like mulch, dirt, and fertilizer
  • Chemicals
  • Grease and oil
  • Sprinklers and flooding that cause dirty runoff to pool up on concrete surfaces
  • Rust from metal tools or structures
  • Salt
  • Water runoff from potted plants

It depends on how high-traffic the area is and how quickly it becomes dirty or stained. In general, we recommend professional concrete cleaning every year or every two years. If you notice your concrete has become stained, discolored, dirty, or damaged, you should schedule a concrete cleaning.

We use the most advanced techniques and tools for cleaning stained concrete. We use a powerful concrete cleaning solution containing a degreaser, and we also use a commercial pressure washer capable of removing decades of build-up from concrete surfaces.

When homeowners and business owners try to pressure wash their own concrete surfaces, they may end up damaging the concrete. This is because they don’t always know how to control the pressure washer effectively and use too much pressure, hold the pressure washer stream in one area for too long, or hold the stream too close to the surface of the concrete. Our team is made up of experts at pressure washing concrete surfaces, and we ensure no damage is done to your concrete.

We use an eco-friendly concrete cleaner that will not damage the environment or contaminate soil or groundwater as it is washed off the concrete.

Sealing your concrete surfaces after cleaning them protects them from future damage. The benefits of sealing concrete are:

  • Protection from stains, dirt, grime, grease, and graffiti
  • Reduced risk of weather damage and deterioration
  • Prevents water damage
  • Makes cleaning and maintaining concrete surfaces easier
  • Extends its lifespan and improves its appearance

The best way to prevent mold and mildew is to keep up with regular concrete cleaning and maintenance. Don’t let water pool up on concrete surfaces, and sweep concrete surfaces regularly to remove debris and dirt. If you hose down your concrete, do it on a sunny, warm day so that it will dry quickly. A concrete sealer will also reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth on concrete.

It’s better to hire professionals for concrete and patio cleaning. If you try to use a pressure washer to clean your own concrete, you may end up damaging it. Unless you have extensive experience using pressure washers, you could use too much pressure and cause cracking, spalling, or deterioration.

Our team takes all necessary precautions when cleaning concrete surfaces for our customers. We remove all loose debris from concrete before beginning and protect neighboring landscaping and plants from the pressure washer. We maintain ideal pressure and make sure the stream stays away from damaged or fragile areas. We also use eco-friendly concrete cleaners that won’t harm the environment.

Learn More from Our Concrete Driveway Cleaners

Our team at A Clear View Window Cleaning can help you keep your concrete surfaces clean and beautiful. We specialize in commercial and residential concrete cleaning in Baltimore, MD, Washington D.C., the Washington Metro area, and Central Pennsylvania. We also pressure wash patios, decks, roofs, stucco, gutters, and awnings. Call us today or contact us online to request an estimate.

Quality Work and First-Rate Service at an Affordable Price